Words, by Komninos


we are here because we are writers

we use words to construct our realities

we use words to transfer our thoughts into ideas

we use words to communicate these ideas to others

we use words to express our feelings

we use words in our work

we love our work

we love words

we love the sound of words

we love the look of words

we love the combination of words

we love the challenge of a blank page

we love the spatial arrangements of words on a page

we love the response to our words

we love the energy that we give out at live performances

we love the energy that we receive from the audience

we love the force field created between the poet and audience

we love the sharing

we love the way that some words can make us feel instantly existing independent of time or space

words that give the feeling like good drugs or good sex

words that inspire the feeling of

something new

something we have not heard before

something we cannot compare to anything previously experienced

something sublime and full of awe

something prior to analysis, just pure experience

something that gaston bachelard calls the poetic moment

words have done that for me


i learnt by listening to the words of ania walwycz, jas h duke, pio, geoff goodfellow, eric beach, lauren williams, myron lysenko, shelton lea, bruce dawe,

les murray and the many many more australian performance poets

and later the words of english poets john cooper clarke, roger mcgough, and attila the stockbroker

and the american beat poets, ginsberg, corso and kerouac,

and charles bukowski

songwriters bob dylan and even jim morrison

i learnt by listening to their words

they made me want to write my own words

and to try and affect my own poetic moment for others

and i learnt to do that by absorption,

long before i started reading poetry theory and history

absorption, by being engulfed by the live venue

by being at spoken word gigs, listening to others

by sharing with others


so speak your words

whisper your words

shout your words

print your words

post your videos on facebook

put them out there

let us all hear them

and let us all learn by them

- Komninos


  1. hope the food they are feeding john bull doesn't give him the ships

  2. And we learnt by reading the words, and hearing the roar, of Komninos. :)

    1. Absolutely! (Send us a poem through, Benito, gwan.)


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