Vagrant, by Kevin Pearson

He learns the geography
of his best suit,
which pockets have holes
and which are secure,
before his excursion
across the green field
when he is called forth,
and if nerves be at him
at the prospect of meeting,
coins in his good pocket
should see his return.

A five dollar note
in black band of his felt
broad-brimmed Akubra
is a purple feather,
pride of his dress
when he is jaunty,
as he is at first
until confidence goes,
and his steps slow
as he approaches
the gates to pass through.

Swoop of a magpie
takes off with his fiver,
so precision a strike
his hat’s undisturbed,
if his wealth less
unbeknownst to him,
though it is just then,
if not to skip,
he lightens his step
to no longer tramp
but to walk upon grass.

- Kevin Pearson
Photo by Paul Skec
