
30/5/20, by Patrick Singing Sky

Brumbies run, by Kerry Scuffins

Excerpt, by Anthony Riddell

A translation in graph form of an Edward Lear poem, by Tim Train

Good things out of Nazareth, by Derek O'Rourke

Moving things, by Debbie Lee

Melodramatic Self-inflicted Farewells, by Kristiana Jakobson

Fritillary Monarch, by Avalanche

The flower moon, by Chae Paterson

Justified Excuse, by Donna Fitzgerald

Just Asking Questions, by Sarah Jane Justice

Excerpt, by Anthony Riddell

Climate change villains, by Donna Fitzgerald

The black worms are occupying, by Derek O'Rourke

Taking it over, by Tim Train

Queen of Suburbia (excerpt), by Gabrielle Everall

Upside Down Worlds, by Chae Paterson

Venus Without Furs (excerpt), by Gabrielle Everall

Vagrant, by Kevin Pearson

"the last guy didn’t leave us enough instructions’, by Derek O'Rourke